Tuesday, July 19, 2005 at Tuesday, July 19, 2005
- 1ghtz VIA mini-itx board w/ proc, onboard video and sound - done!
- 512 mb ram
- 10gb 2.5" laptop HD
- Touchpad - done!
- Tiny usb keybord (made to ckip onto a PS2 controller) - done!
- Lilliput 7" LCD Touchscreen - done!
- FM modulator - done!
- Delorme Earthmate GPS - done!
- USB wireless network dongle - done!
- Packard Fast Access IR reciever - almost done
- Mad Catz PS2 remote (double sided) - done!
- Misc Cables
- WIN XP pro (lite) - almost done
- Media Engine
- Map Monkey/ Destinator - done!
- Girder - almost done
- Mobile Emulator - almost done
This is it as far as I can remember...
Monday, July 18, 2005 at Monday, July 18, 2005
Okay, let me start with saying that this is by far the longest project I have been working on. Due to lack of funds for quite a while, this was nothing more than a thought for a long long time. Now, however, it is finally comming to an end. I am about 75% done on every part. Hardware, software, installation... okay maybe not that last part, but most of this thing is done. New ideas and new technology has changed this thing over the years (about 5 years) but it's been for the better. I'll have everything posted here from parts I used, to software setups, to tried and failed ideas. Kepp checking back for updates!
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